About Us

We are an IT company focusing on local and remote service contracts. We have established long term relationships with our clients making their IT problems our highest priority.


what we do

Provide you with all your IT needs.

Welcome to CloudWays Group, where we specialize in providing top-notch network support and service contracts to businesses and organizations. With our experienced team of professionals and advanced technological resources, we’re here to help you maintain your network and technology systems with ease.

We also specialize in website development and maintenance services. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping businesses establish and maintain a strong online presence, and achieve their digital goals.

Network Support Services:

Our network support services cover a wide range of areas, including:

  • Network Installation: We can set up your network infrastructure from scratch, from installing cables to configuring servers and switches.
  • Network Maintenance: Our team of experts can monitor and maintain your network to ensure that it’s always up and running at optimal performance.
  • Network Security: We can help you protect your network from threats such as malware, viruses, and hackers, by installing firewalls, setting up security protocols and monitoring your network for potential vulnerabilities.
Service Contracts:

We offer local and remote service contracts to meet your needs, with options for both short-term and long-term agreements. Our service contracts are designed to help you maximize the uptime of your technology systems and minimize downtime.

Local Service Contracts:

Our local service contracts are designed for businesses in our immediate vicinity, and include:

  • On-site support: Our technicians can visit your office to provide support and resolve any issues you’re experiencing.
  • Preventive maintenance: We can schedule regular check-ups to ensure your technology systems are running smoothly.
  • Emergency support: Our team is available to provide emergency support in case of unexpected downtime.
Remote Service Contracts:

Our remote service contracts are designed for businesses that are located outside of our immediate area, and include:

  • Remote support: We can provide support over the phone, email or chat, allowing us to troubleshoot issues remotely.
  • Remote monitoring: We can monitor your systems remotely, proactively identifying potential issues and resolving them before they cause downtime.
  • Regular check-ins: We’ll schedule regular check-ins with you to ensure your systems are running smoothly and that we’re meeting your needs.

Website Development & Maintenance:

We offer comprehensive website development services to meet your business needs, from simple landing pages to complex e-commerce websites.

Maintaining your website is essential to keeping it up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly, and we also take care of that for you.

We’ll work closely with you to understand your business needs, and provide custom solutions that meet your unique requirements.

As CloudWays we are committed to providing high-quality network support and service contracts that meet your needs. We’ll work closely with you to understand your technology requirements and provide the solutions you need to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business world. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business grow and thrive.

Our Company Mission

Our mission at CloudWays is to provide our clients with unparalleled network support and service contracts that help them stay ahead in today’s fast-paced digital world. We strive to offer exceptional services and support that exceed our clients’ expectations, by utilizing cutting-edge technology and industry best practices.

Our Vision

Our aim is to establish long-lasting relationships with our clients, built on trust, transparency, and mutual respect. We aim to help our clients achieve success by providing them with reliable and secure network infrastructure, and ensuring that their technology systems run smoothly so that they can focus on their core business operations.

"At CloudWays, our job is to make technology work for our clients, not against them. We believe in taking our clients' pain and problems, and making it ours."

Abrie Hattingh – Chief Executive & Client Acquisitions Officer

"Our ultimate goal is to help our clients succeed by providing them with reliable and secure technology systems that meet their unique needs. At the end of the day, it's not just about the technology, it's about the people and the relationships we build with our clients. That's what sets us apart."

Bradley Forrester – Chief Solution Architect & Technical Lead

About us

The CloudWays Culture

We are committed to continuous improvement

We prioritise

We plan

We are proactive

We recognize what didn’t work

We ask important questions

We anticipate obstacles and devise solutions

We take responsibility

What They’re Saying

Clients Testimonials